COPELABS Coordination: Paulo Mendes, Rute Sofia
FIC is a joint cooperation between COPELABS, University Lusófona and Cisco Systems, USA, concerning Future Internet aspects, namely, innovation and trend-scouting consulting within the context of Future Internet activities of relevance and aligned with the Cisco Consulting Engineering Team. |
Contacts: E-mail: paulo dot mendes at ulusofona dot pt
COPELABS Team: Paulo Mendes (coordination) Rute Sofia Bruno Batista José Faísca
Participants Cisco Systems USA (Cisco Consulting Engineering Team) |
09.2024. Serras-Santos, R., Fachada, N., Matos-Carvalho, J.P., Tomic, S. & Beko, M. AutoNAV: A Python package for simulating UAV navigation in satellite-less environments. SoftwareX, 27. 101782.
06.2024. Fachada, N., & David, N. Artificial Intelligence in Modeling and Simulation. Algorithms, 17(6), 265.
06.2024. Cascais Brás, J., Filipe Pereira, R., Fonseca, M., Ribeiro, R., Scalabrin Bianchi, I. Advances in auditing and business continuity: A study in financial companies; Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, Volume 10, Issue 2, 100304.
05.2024. S. Sabapathy, M. Surendar, and Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, “Rate-Splitting Sparse Vector Code for Next-Generation URLLC Systems”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
05.2024. Oliveira, A., Fachada, N., & Matos-Carvalho, J.P. Raster Forge: Interactive raster manipulation library and GUI for Python. Software Impacts, 20, 100657.
03.2024. Ambrish Kumar, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, and Rishbrind Kumar Upadhya, "Secure and Reliable IoT Communication in Underlay CRN with Imperfect CSI", IEEE IoT Journal.
02.2024. Lopes, P., Fachada, N., Fonseca, M., Gamboa, H. & Quaresma, C. (2024). Modelling Physiological Sensor Noise to Movement-Based Virtual Reality Activities. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSIGNALS 2024, vol. 1 (pp. 778-785), Rome, Italy. SciTePress/INSTICC.
01.2024. S. Tomic, M. Beko, “Trustworthy Target Localization via ADMM in the Presence of Malicious Nodes’’, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
01.2024. Inácio, J., Fachada, N., Matos-Carvalho, J.P. & Fernandes, C.M. (2024). Humans vs AI: An Exploratory Study with Online and Offline Learners. Videogame Sciences and Arts, VJ 2023, CCIS, vol 1984 (pp. 272-286). Springer Nature.
01.2024. Chathuranga Basnayaka, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, Tharindu Dilshan Ponnimbaduge Perera, Marko Beko, "DataAge: Age of Information in SWIPT-Driven Short Packet IoT Wireless Communications", IEEE Internet of Things.
12.2023. Fachada, N., Barreiros, F.F., Lopes, P. & Fonseca, M. (2023). Active Learning Prototypes for Teaching Game AI. 2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), Boston, USA.
12.2023. Ferreira-Saraiva, B.D., Matos-Carvalho, J.P., Fachada, N. & Pita, M. (2023). ParShift: a Python package to study order and differentiation in group conversations. SoftwareX, 24. 101554.
11.2023. A. Gunasekar, L. B. Kumar, P. Krishnan, R. Natarajan and D. N. K. Jayakody, "All-Optical UAV-Based Triple-Hop FSO-FSO-VLC Cooperative System for High-Speed Broadband Internet Access in High-Speed Trains," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 124228-124239, 2023,
11.2023. S. Sabapathy, J. S. Prabhu, S. Maruthu and D. N. K. Jayakody, "Profuse Channel Estimation and Signal Detection Techniques for Orthogonal Time Frequency Space in 6G Epoch: A Survey," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 129963-129993, 2023,
10.2023. A. Pushparaj, D. N. K. Jayakody, R D S Arunapriya, M. Nathan, (2023) "An intelligent age of information based self‐energized UAV‐assisted wireless communication system, IET Communications,
10.2023. S. Tomic and M. Beko, "A Min-max Optimization-based Approach for Secure Localization in Wireless Networks", to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. X, no. Y, pp. 1--1, doi:10.1109/TVT.2023.3325063
09.2023. Fachada, N. & de Andrade, D. (2023). Generating multidimensional clusters with support lines. Knowledge-Based Systems, 277, 110836.
08.2023. Furqan Ali, M., Jayakody, D. (2023) SIMO-Underwater Visible Light Communication (UVLC) system. Computer Networks.
06.2023. Rajaram, A., Guerreiro, J., Dinis, R., Jayakody, D., Beko, M. (2023) Optimum Performance Analysis and Receiver Design for OFDM based Frequency-Splitting SWIPT with Strong Nonlinear Effects. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3284350
08.2023. Wang, Y., Obaidat, M., Yin, Y., Wang, L., Rodrigues, J., Sadoun, B. (2023) Robust Sparse Direct Localization of Smart Vehicle With Partly Calibrated Time Modulated Arrays. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3297248
06.2023. Mikovic, A. & Vojinovic, M. (2023) State-Sum Models of Piecewise Linear Quantum Gravity,
05.2023. Fachada, N., de Andrade, D., Serra, P., Códices, N., Luz, F., Lopes, P., Fonseca, M. & Neves, P. (2023). Improving the CS Curriculum of a Top-Down Videogames BA. In Proc. of the 11th Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC '22 (pp. 62-63), Leiden, Netherlands. ACM.
04.2023. Petukhova, A. & Fachada, N. (2023). MN-DS: A Multilabeled News Dataset for News Article Hierarchical Classification. Data, 8(5), 74.
04.2023. de Andrade, D. & Fachada, N. (2023). Automated Generation of Map Pieces for Snappable Meshes. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, FDG '23 (pp. 2:1-2:10), Lisbon, Portugal.
03.2023. dos Santos, R.P., Fachada, N., Beko, M. & Leithardt, V.R.Q. (2023). A Rapid Review on the Use of Free and Open Source Technologies and Software Applied to Precision Agriculture Practices. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 12(3), 28.
01.2023. Ferreira, D. J., Mateus-Coelho, N. & Mamede, H. S. (2023). Methodology for Predictive Cyber Security Risk Assessment (PCSRA). Procedia Computer Science, 219, 1555-1563.
11.2022. Ramos, G., Silvestre D., A. & Aguiar, A. P. (2022). A resilient continuous-time consensus method using a switching topology. Systems & Control Letters, 169, 105381.
11.2022. Figueiredo, E., Moldovan, I., Alves, P., Rebelo, H. & Souza, L. (2022). Smartphone Application for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges. Sensors, 2022, 22(21), 8483.
10.2022. Lima, B., Fachada, N., Dinis, R., da Costa, D.B. & Beko, M. (2022). uavnoma: a UAV-NOMA network model under non-ideal conditions. Journal of Open Research Software, 10(1), 9.
09.2022. Saraiva, M., Mateus-Coelho, N. (2022). CyberSoc Framework a Systematic Review of the State-of-Art. Procedia Computer Science, 204, 961-972.
07.2022. Fachada, N., e Silva, R.C., de Andrade, D. & Códices, N. (2022). Unity Snappable Meshes. Software Impacts, 13, 100363.
06.2022. Petukhova, A. & Fachada, N. (2022). TextCL: a Python package for NLP preprocessing tasks. SoftwareX, 19. 101122.
06.2022. A. Sharma, V. Sharma, M. Jaiswal, Hwang-Cheng Wang, Dushantha Nalin Jayakody*, C. Basnayaka, A. Muthanna. (2022). "Recent Trends in AI-based Intelligent Sensing", Electronics 2022, 11, 1661.
05.2022. M. F. Ali, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, S. Garg, G. Kaddoum, and M. Shamim Hossain. (2022). "Dual-Hop Mixed FSO-VLC Underwater WirelessCommunication Link, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, June 2022,
05.2022 Petukhova, A. & Fachada, N. (2022). Retail System Scenario Modeling Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. Information, 13(5), 251.
05.2022. Magaia, N., Ferreira, P., Pereira, P. R., Muhammad, K., Del Ser, J., & de Albuquerque, V. H. C. (2022). Group'n Route: An Edge Learning-based Clustering and Efficient Routing Scheme Leveraging Social Strength for the Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
04.2022. Fachada, N. (2022). A computational pipeline for modeling and predicting wildfire behavior. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk, COMPLEXIS 2022 (pp. 79-84), Virtual Event. SciTePress/INSTICC. DOI:
04.2022. Hu, Q., Gois, F. N. B., Costa, R., Zhang, L., Yin, L., Magaia, N., & de Albuquerque, V. H. C. (2022). Explainable artificial intelligence-based edge fuzzy images for COVID-19 detection and identification. Applied Soft Computing, 108966.
04.2022. Cipriano, B.P., Fachada, N. & Alves, P. (2022). Drop Project: An automatic assessment tool for programming assignments. SoftwareX, 18. 101079.
04.2022. e Silva, R. C., Fachada, N., de Andrade, D., & Códices, N. (2022). Procedural Generation of 3D Maps with Snappable Meshes. IEEE Access, 10.
02.2022. Fachada, V., Rahkila, P., Fachada, N., Turpeinen, T., Kujala, U. & Kainulainen, H. (2022). Enlarged PLIN5-uncoated lipid droplets in inner regions of skeletal muscle type II fibers associate with type 2 diabetes. Acta Histochemica, 124(3), 100014.
01.2022. Accepted paper, S. Tomić, M. Beko (2022). Detecting Distance-spoofing Attacks in Arbitrarily-deployed Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3148199
01.2022. Fernandes, P.A., Inácio, P.A., Feliciano, H. & Fachada, N. (2022). SimpAI: Evolutionary Heuristics for the ColorShapeLinks Board Game Competition. Videogame Sciences and Arts, VJ 2020, Revised Selected Papers. CCIS, vol 1531 (pp. 113-126). Springer Nature.
01.2022. Valderi R.Q. Leithardt, et al., 2022. "An Empirical Comparison of Portuguese and Multilingual BERT Models for Auto-Classification of NCM Codes in International Trade" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6, no. 1: 8. - Quartil SJR: Q1
01.2022. Valderi R.Q. Leithardt, et al., 2022. "Towards ubiquitous requirements engineering through recommendations based on context histories." PeerJ Computer Science 8:e794 Quartil SJR: Q2
12.2021. Valderi R.Q. Leithardt, et al., 2021. "Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict a Patient’s No-Show in the Healthcare Sector" Future Internet 14, no. 1: 3. Quartil SJR: Q2
12.2021. Accepted paper, M. Beko, S. Tomić, Toward Secure Localization in Randomly Deployed Wireless Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3078216
11.2021. de Andrade, D. & Fachada, N. (2021). PyXYZ: an educational 3D wireframe engine in Python. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE '21 (pp. 519-525), Virtual Event, Germany.
11.2021. Daniel Silvestre (2021). Constrained Convex Generators: A Tool Suitable for Set-Based Estimation With Range and Bearing Measurements . In:
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, pp. 1610 1615. doi: 10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3129729
11.2021. Accepted paper, G. Asaamoning, P Mendes, and N. Magaia. .A Dynamic Clustering Mechanism with Load-Balancing for Flying Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3130417
09.2021. Accepted paper, F Neves, AC Finamore, SC Madeira, R Henriques. (2021).Mining Actionable Patterns of Road Mobility From Heterogeneous Traffic Data Using Biclustering, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
07.2021. Accepted paper: S. Tomic, M. Beko, “A New Perspective on Range and Directional Localization Problem’’, to appear in IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology,
06.2021. Fachada, N. (2021). ColorShapeLinks: A Board Game AI Competition Framework for Educators and Students. Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2. 100014.
06.2021. Accepted paper: Rodrigo Cortesão, Daniel Fernandes, Gabriela Soares, Diogo Clemente, Pedro Sebastião and Lúcio S. Ferreira, "Cloud-based Implementation of a SON Radio Resources Planning System for Mobile Networks and Integration in SaaS Metric", to appear in IEEE Access 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3087398
05.2021. Tiago Simas and Rion Brattig Correia and Luis M. Rocha, "The distance backbone of complex networks", Journal of Complex Networks, Oxford University Press,
03.2021. Accepted paper: FG Encinas, LA Silva, AS Mendes, GV González, VRQ Leithardt, ..., "Singular Spectrum Analysis for Source Separation in Drone-Based Audio Recording" In IEEE Access.
02.2021. Accepted Paper, M. S. Stankovic, M. Beko, S. S. Stankovic, “Distributed Value Function Approximation for Collaborative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning’’, in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
11.2020. Accepted Paper, B. Lima, D. Costa, "Adaptive Power Factor Allocation for Cooperative Full-Duplex NOMA Systems With Imperfect SIC and Rate Fairness", in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular technology,
11.2020. Accepted Paper, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, M. Barahman, L. Correia, L. S. Ferreira, "A QoS-Demand-Aware Computing Resource Management Scheme in Cloud-RAN", in IEEE OJ-COMS.
10.2020. Accepted Paper, IEEE Access, Daniel Silva, Rute Sofia. "A Discussion on Context-awareness to Better Support the IoT Cloud/Edge Continuum", in IEEE Access. DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3032388.
09.2020. Accepted paper, Electronics, Sales Mendes, André, Diego M. Jiménez-Bravo, María Navarro-Cáceres, Valderi Reis Quietinho Leithardt, and Gabriel Villarrubia González. "Multi-Agent Approach Using LoRaWAN Devices: An Airport Case Study." Electronics 9, no. 9 (2020): 1430.
08.2020. Accepted paper, IEEE Access, J. C. S. Anjos and Valderi Leithardt et al., "Data Processing Model to Perform Big Data Analytics in Hybrid Infrastructures," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3023344.
07.2020. Accepted Paper, IEEE Access, Fernandes,D., Raimundo,A., Cercas,F., Sebastiao,P., Rinis,R., Ferreira,L.S.. "Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Semi-Empirical Methodologies for Estimation of Coverage in Mobile Networks", in IEEE Access, Vol. 8, July 2020, pp 139803-139812, 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3013036
04.2020. Accepted Paper, IEEE Access , Fernandes,D., Clemente,D., Soares,G., Sebastiao,P., Cercas,F., Dinis,R, Ferreira,L.S., “Cloud-Based Implementation of an Automatic Coverage Estimation Methodology for Self-Organising Network”, in IEEE Access, Vol 8, Apr. 2020, pp 66456-66474, 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2986437
01.2020. The most recently hired researcher Nuno Ricardo Garcia had a paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). TPAMI is the journal with the highest impact factor in the area of computer science (IF=17.73 for 2018). Congratulations.
11.2019. Accepted Paper, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
S. Tomic, M. Beko, “A Geometric Approach for Distributed Multi-hop Target Localization in Cooperative Networks’’, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
07.2019: Accepted Paper, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
K Turbic, L. Correia, M. Beko. A Channel Model for Polarised Off-Body Communications with Dynamic Users’’, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 7001-7013, November 2019.
06.2019: Accepted Paper, IEEE Access
D. Pedro, S. Tomic, L. Bernardo, M. Beko, P. Pinto, “Algorithms for Estimating the Location of Remote Nodes using Smartphones’’, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 33713-33727, December 2019.
05.2019: Accepted Paper, MDPI Future Internet, Special Issue on Information-centric Networking
R. C. Sofia, Guidelines Towards Information-driven Mobility Management, Future Internet 2019, 11(5), 111;
04.2019: Accepted Paper, MDPI Future Internet, Special Issue on Information-centric Networking
R. C. Sofia, P. Mendes, An Overview on Push-Based Communication Models for Information-centric Networking. MDPI Future Internet, 2019, 11(3), 74;
03.2019: Accepted Paper, European Control Conference 2019
Model-based fault diagnosis and tolerant control: the ESA’s e.Deorbit mission
03.2019: Accepted paper, MDPI Future Internet 2019, Special issue on ICN
An Overview on Push-based Communication Models for Information-Centric Networking
02.2019: New IRTF ICNRG draft
nformation-centric Routing for Opportunistic Wireless Networks.
.01.2019: Accepted paper, Sensors 2019, Special Issue on Wireless Location Tracking
On Consensus-based Distribution Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks
11.2018: Rute C. Sofia becomes Associate Editor of IEEE Access
11.2018: Accepted paper MDPI Sensors 2018, Special Issue on Wireless Location Tracking
Elephant Herding Optimization for Energy-Based Localization
11.2018: Accepted paper Sensors 2018, Special Issue on Wireless Location Tracking
Target Localization via Integrated and Segregated Ranging Based on RSS and TOA Measurements
11.2018: Results of the CEEC/COPELABS/JUNIOR2018: Prof. Dr. Pedro Sá Costa admitted.
10.2018: Rute C. Sofia becomes an IEEE Senior member
10.2018: Invited Talk: Cooperative wireless networking: Research challenges, P. Mendes, @LakesideLabs, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
09.2018: Accepted paper, ACM ICN 2018
P. Mendes, R. Sofia, V. Tsaoussidis, S. Diamantopoulos, J. Soares,Information-centric routing for opportunistic wireless networks. InProc. ACM ICN 2018, Sep. 2018.
09:2018: Accepted paper, IEEE WiMob
09.2018:C-BRAINs 2018/2019
C-BRAINS for 2018/2019 are out!
07.2018: Ciencia 2018
People-to-people Communication in Emergency Scenarios, P. Mendes, R. Sofia, M. Tavares, O. Aponte
06.2018: UMOBILE project
POC2 - information-centric communication in opportunistic scenarios, P. Mendes, M. Tavares, O. Aponte, R. Sofia, J. Soares
04.2018 Accepted Book Chapter
03.2018 IRTF draft DABBER
Information-centric Routing for Opportunistic Wireless Networks